Welcome to this NOACA informational website. All the content on this site is from credible sources that you will be able to easily verify. Or it will be opinion. Both will be clearly identified. The information on this site will be provided on this home page, ancillary other pages or the Blog Pages in this site.
This home page will serve as a portal to other information. This site is not affiliated with, funded, or in any way affiliated with the organizations called NOACA. The purpose of this site is to educate and inform the public about the Northeast Ohio Area Coordinating Organization. All content is either an opinion or from material referenced in NOACA or other credible sources. Enjoy…
This author will offer the following terms and ideas to help you as you read this site to understand the context of various topics.
- Tyranny versus liberty: When people fear the government that is tyranny, when government fears the people that is liberty.
Simple Definitions:
- Marxism: The process of moving from capitalism to a socialist/communist government.
- Socialism: Government control. e.g.; Obama care, Medicare, HUD, etc…
- Communism: Redistribution of wealth
- Progressive: Ultra-liberal to Marxist ideology that promotes socialist concepts.
MPOs (Metropolitain Planning Organization)
Let’s begin with what an MPO (Metropolitain Planning Organization is and what it is not. It is a federally mandated “planning organization.” MPO’s were created in 1962 and the intent was to better coordinate between local political organizations federal infrastructure. Let’s stress this point “federal” infrastructure. Local city, township, county and state roads are funded by local taxes. NOACA is the MPO for a 5-county region: Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Loraine, and Medina counties. See more at: www.noaca.info/blog/mpo There are serious constitutional issues with MPO’s but not unlike the department of education no one challenged these unnecessary organizations. NOACA is controlled by the “progressive.” The term progressive Cuyahoga Count/Cleveland elected officials. That statement is made based on the number of voting seats. The remaining 4 counties have little control due to their minority status.
NOACA – One of 17 MPO’s in the state of Ohio. It is organized by bylaws to include 5 counties. When first organized each county had 3 commissioners. Some had county engineers and other local community leaders. Over time Cuyahoga County and Cleveland threw a tantrum, sued, and bullied the 4 other members to allow broader voting seats. That has led the current tyrannical organization tha tis controlled by Cleveland and Cuyahoga County. While lip service is given to asking for public input, it is clear that this is “eye wash.” See www.noaca.info/blog/noaca for more information.
What is NEO2050? Well good question. Is doing a social engineering part of NOACA’s charter? Who agreed to this. FYI… the NEOSCC plan, which was funded by HUD and became the foundation of NEO2050 plan was never voted on or approved by the board. It can be said that NOACA has no legal authority or charter to do land use planning, a climate action plan, or other types of social engineering. More on this over time. To get more information on this topic see www.noaca.info/blog/eneo2050